
How to install spintires maps
How to install spintires maps

how to install spintires maps
  1. #How to install spintires maps how to
  2. #How to install spintires maps manual

The winch is your first lifeline when you get stuck in the mud.

#How to install spintires maps manual

Manual Reverse Gear: Works just like the manual first gear, but going backwards. If using a controller, it doesn’t matter where in this range you set it, because you have analog control of your speed with the trigger.Ĥ. If you right-click on the shift knob, you can use the mouse to move the lever to adjust your speed. This allows you to change the tire speed while using M/K. You will notice a gradient range in this gear.

how to install spintires maps how to install spintires maps

Gives you the maximum traction and torque. Manual First Gear: This is where you will spend most of your time. With practice, this gear can be useful, but beginners should leave it alone, as it can be tricky to control.ģ. It gives you more speed and is useful for powering through obstacles, but you are far more likely to do major damage to your truck. You have to gain some momentum, and then shift to it on the fly. You cannot start out in this gear the truck will just stall out. Hi Gear: This gear is faster than first, but not as fast as auto gets. In hardcore mode, Diff Lock is disabled in this gear.Ģ. Useful for areas where you want to go faster than you can in first gear, and where there aren't any hazards to worry about. Automatic: This will shift up through the gears automatically, and will shift to reverse if the brake button is held down. You can shift between them by clicking the gearshift in the lower right corner of the screen with M/K, or by clicking the right thumbstick with a controller.ġ. You will need the Carriage attachment to transport them. I would start with small logs, as they are the easiest to transport. Then you will be ready to pick up some lumber and take it to the objectives. After that, attach a Garage Carriage to a truck that will take one, and unlock the other garages. Exploring will let you get the hang of driving, and allow you to unlock the other trucks on the map. Don’t worry if you get stuck, as you can always rescue your truck to the starting garage from the map screen. The A-469 or the C-4320 are good choices for doing so. From there, you can start by trying to reach the center of the cloaked areas of the map. It is one of the most versatile trucks in the game. Start by driving south along the wide road until you get to the end of it, where you will find a C-4320 to unlock.

#How to install spintires maps how to

Don’t worry about objectives to start with, just learn how to drive the truck. You will then just be dropped into a truck, the A-469. It contains all of the trucks, and has examples of pretty much all of the terrain types featured in Spintires. It will give you a good introduction to the basics of the game. I would start with the Coast map on normal difficulty. When you first start the game, you will be given a choice of maps.

How to install spintires maps